An inspiring story following the journey of Liza Heyneman from Warrandyte to India

Story written by Liza Heyneman, Wellness by PP studio member

The water is so cool, so soothing. The river flows fast as I sit with my feet in the Mother Ganga. It is so pristine here, higher up, before it reaches Varanasi, before it is filled with bodies and bloated floating cows. So different to my minds eye, my expectations, it is so beautiful. Here the Holy river is flanked by mountains, crossed by foot bridges filled with smiling people dressed in colourful clothes, laughing, happy, living in the current moment.

Rishikesh India, Yoga capital of the world. How did I land here in this kaleidoscope of colours, sights and smells. Friendly faces, peaceful Monks, temples, chanting, markets and cows. Cows everywhere and the traffic, did I mention the traffic. These are the craziest drivers I have ever seen! I’m not sure if there are actually any road rules or if it is simply pure anarchy. I swear if you can drive in India you can drive anywhere. The honking, the dodging, the swerving, and even more cows, yet I feel as safe as houses, strangely I feel at home in this foreign place.

If you had told me ten weeks ago that I would be here I would have laughed. “No way”, I would have said, never, yet here I am drinking it all in, absorbing all that is around me, learning to live in the moment. How did a woman who can’t even sit cross legged end up enrolled in a 200hr YTTC! Madness.

After the craziness that was 2020/21 I needed to do something to get out of the negativity and sadness that I was stuck in and move into positivity and happiness. I had decided that movement would be my way out, my magic pill. Luck had it that a new little Pilates & Yoga studio had opened up around the corner, Wellness by PP, so I joined. This was how my journey began. I truly thought that Pilates would be my thing but that was not the case. After a few yoga sessions I was hooked. When practicing yoga my mind was quiet and my being felt at ease, my world began to make sense, situations started to become a little clearer and the mirror I was looking into became brighter. I had no idea how this was happening but I was so happy it was, I had felt so stuck for so long and the glue felt as though it was finally dissolving.

I participated in a Breathwork session at the studio one Sunday morning. This session was my ultimate turning point and after it there was no turning back for me. I released so much energy that morning and left the session unable to speak, probably looking like a stunned mullet, but feeling like my life had just completely changed forever. Although I have by no means reached enlightenment, I imagine that it would be something like I felt that day. Suddenly a switch had been flicked on and I could see my entire world before me, lit up in neon lights. The things I needed to let go of, the things I needed to work on, the things that no longer meant anything to me, namely my shoe collection that lives under my bed.  I also realised that it was the simple things that give me the most joy. I realised then that to get more out life for me I had to throw thoughts and notions into the universe and trust that what came back to me was exactly what I needed in that moment.

A month or so later an instructor simply said to me, “I think you need to go to India”. I was a little confused but couldn’t let go of the idea and nine weeks later I was on a plane, destined for Rishikesh. I had signed up for a 200hr YTTC, how bizarre, I couldn’t even sit cross legged but I knew that for me this was the best way to find out more about yoga. The best way to become more immersed in this way of life. I had an insatiable appetite to learn more about pranayama, I had become almost obsessed with it. I also knew that for me to get the most out of it I had to do it in India.

One particular school kept appearing as I searched so I took that as a sign from the universe and enrolled. I arrived at this little place out of town, nestled in beautiful gardens overlooking a national park but also in the middle of a significant renovation! No hot water, no working electrical outlets in the room to charge phones, horrendous WIFI and a bunch of young people who were going to be my classmates! What the hell was I doing here!

The course started and all was ok until I had to participate in Ashtanga yoga classes. This almost killed me! After 4 days I was almost ready to give up. The teacher was very strict, my fitness was not at a level to keep up and I was in pain. I broke down after class and cried! Why am I here? I kept asking myself this. I finally realised the only way out was through and I just needed to surrender to the experience, now, here in this moment. Surrender to every experience and take what I need from each and every one. Cherish the present moment because it is truly the only one I have. What is in the past is gone and what is in the future is not here yet so why keep dwelling in this void of nothingness. That was my 52nd birthday! What a life lesson! That night was spent dancing to Bollywood music, singing, laughing, celebrating and rejoicing with new friends and a new acceptance of what life is for me now, just that, an endless celebration.

My time in Rishikesh was amazing I met so many wonderful people, and had so many fabulous experiences. Coming to Yoga has taught me so much. It has brought me to a place within myself, a place of peace. I have learnt that we are all one, we are all the same. But the most important lesson I have learnt is to stay present in this moment.


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