How to boost your immune system

As temperatures get cooler and the days get shorter, the winter season can become a cauldron for cold and flu viruses. 

After two winters of living indoors through a pandemic and an unadapted immune system, this year seems to be a particularly bad year to harvest some of these nasties that are making many amongst the community feel quite unwell. 

Fortunately, there are many natural ways that we can boost our immune systems, which help to fight common illnesses that harvest during wintertime, and in turn will allow the body to naturally fight off infections more easily.

What is the immune system?

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and organs that help the body fight off infections and other diseases. 

In general, the immune system does an incredible job identifying and expelling harmful germs that can cause illness and disease, whilst keeping good bacteria in the body.

Below are 5 strategies you can implement into your routine to help cut down the probability of getting sick over these cooler months.

1.Do physical activity

Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your immune system. 

Among many other health benefits, exercise allows you to regulate your blood pressure, and reduce stress. 

This makes it easier for your circulatory system to respond quickly when an infectious disease enters the body.

Over the years scientists have found a particularly strong correlation between the level of physical activity and the severity of symptoms of respiratory infections – the higher the levels of physical activity, the lower the chances of getting a respiratory infection. 

It is found that increasing levels of exercise – through both cardio and resistance training – improved overall immune health. 

Whilst it is tempting to stay home and snuggle up, this is the time to try and stay active for a minimum 30 minutes daily. 

Go for a walk or a run, or if it is too cold outside try some yoga, Pilates or maybe even hit the gym.

Caution: do not perform strenuous exercise if you are symptomatic.

2.Add immune-boosting foods to every meal

Diet is essential for overall good health, but particularly important to maintain a healthy immune system. 

While it is tempting to snack off comfort food, the nutrients we need are in more protein-heavy and low-carb meals. 

Eating mostly nourishing, vitamin-packed food particularly during this time is so essential. 

Foods that have roots and are grown underground are a great source of several vitamins, iron and fiber, which is needed during this cooler time; this includes squash, carrots, potatoes, ginger and beetroot. 

Foods that are oily like eggs, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fish and olives, will help bring more moisture to your system to combat dryness in your skin. 

And foods with vitamin C are great for the immune system including bell pepper, citrus fruits and mushrooms. 

Best to start on vegetable packed soups, stews, casseroles, curry, and seasonal vegetables to ensure your immune cells have the necessary nutrients and tools to fight against infection. 

If you do not feel that you are getting an adequate amount of vitamins through foods, supplements could be taken. 

Commonly prescribed supplements during the winter months include Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. 

Please consult with your doctor before taking supplements.

3.Get lots of sleep

We often fill our calendars with work, social schedules, hobbies – and forget to prioritise sleep. 

Getting plenty of good quality sleep is so essential for the immune system to take time to recuperate and regenerate while your body is not awake. 

While every body is different, it is essential to give your immune system the rest when it is needed and learn what is the right amount of sleep for you to feel refreshed. 

Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours sleep, and some may need an additional nap during the day. 

Listen to your body and take the sleep when you need it, especially during these cooler months.

4.Drink lots of water

To put it simply, our bodies could not survive without water. Water plays so many important roles in our body, especially when it comes to immune function. 

Hydration allows your body to properly circulate the infection fighting immune cells, and helps to give the body the “flush” it needs if it is feeling a little under the weather. 

It is important to stay hydrated so your immune system can stay at its highest level.

5.Keep stress levels as low as possible

This is possibly one of the harder things to do to keep your immune system healthy. When your body is under high levels of stress, it goes into survival mode. 

This stress response suppresses your immune system, which makes it much harder to fight infection.

There are many ways that you could try to help keep stress levels down, one being to meditate daily. 

Spending 10 minutes meditating daily helps to calm your nervous system which in turn helps to maintain a healthy immune system.


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